Divorce and Family Law
When coping with legal matters that affect the well-being of you and your children you need to know that your attorney has the experience, focus, and dedication necessary to advocate effectively on your behalf. For over 20 years John Maier has limited his practice to Divorce and Family Law cases in Pierce County in order to do just that; and in doing so, also helping you find the right path to move forward to a brighter tomorrow. To learn more about our Practice Areas, please click on the toggles below.
Ending your marriage is one of the most difficult decisions you’ll ever have to make. When it comes time to move forward you need the support and understanding of an experienced and compassionate divorce lawyer. John Maier takes the time to appreciate your needs and desires. He will develop a plan to help you navigate this difficult terrain in a way that is right for you, while protecting your rights, your assets, your children, and your dignity. John Maier has been litigating divorce trials before Pierce County Superior Court judges for over twenty years. He also has the integrity and wisdom to know when and how to resolve your case outside of court so as to avoid the unnecessary legal fees and animosity that so often accompany litigation. If you’re looking for an honest, effective, and professional divorce attorney go to the Contact page to schedule a free one-hour consultation.
Although the process is a little different, non-married parents must negotiate the same custody and child support issues as divorcing parents. If you’re a man questioning, or wanting to establish, paternity, DNA testing provides inarguable proof for or against paternity. Results are received in as little as 10 to 15 days. Even If paternity has already been determined, you may still need to establish your parental rights by filing for a Parenting Plan. We will seek the parenting arrangement you believe is best suited for your child’s needs. If child support is being sought it needs to be calculated properly. Regardless of whether you’re the mother or the father, and regardless of the situation, John Maier can represent you effectively. He has handled numerous paternity cases. He knows what needs to be done, how to get it done, and when to get it done. Use the Contact page to set up your free one-hour consultation.
Regardless of what your family is facing, your children should always be your top priority and primary concern. They are entitled to a stable, loving, safe, and nurturing environment. When custody is at stake it will invariably be the most important, consequential, and emotionally charged aspect of your case. John Maier is acutely aware and sensitive to this, and will immediately orient his focus towards the best interest of you and your children. It is better for everyone involved, especially the children, if these matters can be resolved outside of court. This alternative is always explored first. But if that option is not available, John will immediately begin formulating a plan of action with you to achieve the best outcome possible for you and your children. There is typically a whirlwind of activity at the onset of custody cases, as ideas are shared, facts are pinned down, evidence is gathered, outside sources are consulted, pleadings are prepared, and your case is presented in court. When issues regarding children are involved it is important to have an attorney who has the insight, know-how, court smarts, and wisdom that only an experienced family law attorney can provide. Schedule your free one-hour consultation today and see for yourself if John Maier is the right attorney for you and your children.
As the custodial parent you are entitled to child support on behalf of your children commensurate with the other parent’s income, the age of your children, and the number of children needing support. You will also receive additional support for daycare and uninsured healthcare expenses. If you’re the non-custodial parent, you are entitled to a proper calculation of your child support obligation, which in some cases can be as low as $50 per month. Post-secondary educational support may also be available for your college-bound student. If your child has special needs, or if you have other children to support, the court can deviate from the basic child support calculation. Although child support is often fairly simple to calculate, it is important that you understand how to properly make those calculations and the special circumstances that may allow for a deviation, up or down, from the basic child support obligation. John Maier has the experience necessary to insure that you receive no less than you are entitled to… or pay no more than required. Give him a call for a quick estimate.
It is common in a marriage for one partner to have an income, or earnings potential, far beyond that of the other partner. If you are going through a divorce and there is a distinct income disparity, leaving you incapable of supporting yourself properly, spousal maintenance may be available to you. Maintenance (alimony) is much harder to estimate than Child Support. Accordingly, it is sometimes difficult to negotiate a reasonable maintenance settlement, especially without experienced family lawyers on both sides. Over his more than twenty years of family law experience, John Maier has litigated numerous maintenance cases, thus allowing him to more accurately peer into his proverbial crystal ball to decipher a reasonable range of expected outcomes. Maintenance may be the most important issue in your case, and you shouldn’t simply take a guess at it. Contact John Maier to get a good idea of what you should expect.
Maintenance, Child Support, and Parenting Plans are all subject to modification under the right circumstances. Maintenance is modifiable if there has been a substantial change in circumstances since the prior order was entered. Child Support is more readily modifiable, including every two years simply based on a change in income. Because our parenting laws focus on “the best interests of the children,” Parenting Plans are subject to “minor” and “major” modifications under a wide range of scenarios, not the least of which is that the custodial parent’s situation has become “detrimental” to the child. Modifications can be tricky, and difficult to properly evaluate. There may also be a number of options short of litigation that will address your concerns or achieve your goals. Whether you are defending against a modification, or interested in discussing or pursuing a modification, John Maier has the experience necessary to fully explain how modifications work, and the honesty to tell you whether or not your case is “ripe” for modification. Contact him for a free consultation.
As the length of your marriage and your standard of living increase, so too does the importance of hiring an experienced divorce lawyer who also happens to be “good with numbers.” John Maier is both. Division of property and debts can sometimes be fairly straightforward, but if your “community estate” includes real property, retirement benefits, a business, investment accounts, or anything out of the ordinary, it would be wise to consult with an attorney so that you know what to expect. John Maier will devote the necessary time and attention to ensure that your assets are protected and your goals are realized. Contact John Maier.
If you’re a member of the United States military—thank you for your service. If you’re the spouse of a service member, you also deserve to be treated with dignity and respect. John Maier will help you develop a course of action that will minimize your emotional stress, help you focus on the best interests of your children, and results in the most favorable outcome available to you. As a Pierce County Family Law attorney for over twenty years, John Maier has handled a number of military cases. The Soldiers and Sailors Civil Relief Act provides certain legal protections for military personnel, especially if they are deployed. Although Military Regulations require a certain level of family support, you may be entitled to more support and the wider range of relief offered in civil court. Our custody laws now have some built in protections for military parents, which take into account your unique schedule, including deployments and temporary duty assignments. Military cases add an additional level of complexity that may require the attention of a seasoned Pierce County Family Law Attorney. Call or contact John Maier today to discuss your unique circumstances and needs.
If you or a loved one are in immediate danger do not hesitate to call 911. The consequences of domestic abuse can be devastating both physically and emotionally, so if you’re afraid of “the next time,” know that you have the right to live in peace, without the fear of violence. We can secure an immediate Domestic Violence Protection Order without any other legal proceedings. A similar emergency Restraining Order can accompany a new divorce action. Unfortunately, far too many family law cases also involve domestic violence, or false allegations of domestic abuse. As a result, John Maier is sensitive to the special emotional and legal needs of his clients who find themselves caught in these difficult situations. If you or a loved one need protection from domestic violence, or if you are the victim of false allegations, don’t hesitate to contact John Maier either by phone or email. See our Contact page.